Transfer Admission Guarantee
Guarantee Your Admission: TAG to UCR!
Secure your place at UCR through the Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program. For questions, visit TAG: Frequently Asked Questions.
How to TAG to UCR
1. Create a UC Transfer Admission Planner (TAP).
Your TAP will:
- Serve as your application to TAG to UCR.
- Provide a place to plan and track your coursework.
- Help you evaluate your progress toward meeting UCR admission requirements.
- Connect you to UCR staff who will help you with the transfer process.
How to create your TAP:
- Create an account at go.ucr.edu/TAP.
- Enter your completed and planned community college coursework.
- Track your progress toward meeting UCR admission requirements.
- Review your TAP frequently with your community college counselor and a UCR transfer counselor. Find your UCR transfer counselor.
2. Plan to meet these requirements.
- Complete a minimum of 30 UC-transferable semester units.
- Earn the minimum required GPA for your intended major:
- College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS)
- Psychology: 3.30 GPA plus major prep
- Theater, Film, and Digital Production: 3.30 GPA
- All other majors: 2.80 GPA
- Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE)
- Mechanical Engineering: 3.10 GPA plus major prep
- Computer Engineering: 3.30 GPA plus major prep
- Computer Science with Business Applications: 3.30 GPA plus major prep
- Computer Science: 3.60 GPA plus major prep
- All other BCOE majors: 3.00 GPA plus major prep
- College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS)
- 2.80 GPA plus major prep
- School of Business
- 2.80 GPA plus major prep
- School of Education (SOE)
- 2.70 GPA
- School of Public Policy (SPP)
- 2.70 GPA
- College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS)
Fall 2025 TAG Requirements:
- Complete the first English composition (UC-E) by end of fall 2024 for fall admission, and the second English composition by end of spring 2025 for Fall admission.
- If you are applying to a selecting major (all BCOE, CNAS and business majors, and CHASS economics, business economics, psychology and neuroscience majors), you must have the minimum mathematics for your major completed by the end of fall 2024.
- Applicants for all other majors must complete a minimum of one UC-transferable math (UC-M) by end of fall 2024 for fall admission.
- To be considered for a TAG, you have to transfer directly from a California Community College (CCC). This includes international students (with a visa).
- The University of California defines a CCC transfer student as one who has completed more than half of their units at a CCC.
Winter 2025 TAG Requirements:
- Complete the first English composition (UC-E) by end of spring 2024 for winter admission and the second English composition by end of fall 2024 for winter admission.
- If you are applying to a selecting major (all BCOE, CNAS and business majors, and CHASS economics, business economics, psychology and neuroscience majors), you must have the minimum mathematics for your major completed by the end of spring 2024.
- Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Science/Business Applications, Data Science, Art (Studio), Biology, and Physics are closed for Winter 2025. You can still find many other exciting majors that are open for Winter 2025.
- Applicants for all other majors must complete a minimum of one UC-transferable math (UC-M) by end of spring 2024 for winter admission.
- To be considered for a TAG, you have to transfer directly from a California Community College (CCC). This includes international students (with a visa).
- The University of California defines a CCC transfer student as one who has completed more than half of their units at a CCC.
- Complete a minimum of 30 UC-transferable semester units.
3. Submit your TAG application.
- Your TAP serves as both your progress tracker and your TAG application.
- Submit your TAG application May 1-31 for winter quarter 2025.
- You may only TAG to one UC.
NOTE: The majors listed below are closed for winter 2025, but you can find many other exciting majors that are open. Choose your favorite and apply for winter admission by July 1-31, 2024.
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Computer Science/Business Applications
- Data Science
- Art Studio
- Biology
- Data Science
- Physics
4. Complete your TAG contract.
- Complete 60 semester (90 quarter) transferable units by the end of fall 2024 for winter 2025 admission and the end of spring for fall admission.
- Coursework planned for summer will not be accepted to meet minimum admission requirements or major selection.
- You must complete required major preparation for your intended major. For major selection criteria, visit ASSIST.org.
- You must maintain the required GPA for your intended major. (See Step 2 for GPA requirements.)
5. Submit your UCR application.
- Submit your UCR application during the July 1-31 filing period for winter 2025 admission or Oct. 1-Nov. 30 for fall admission and apply for your contracted major and term.
- You can access the UCR application beginning July 1 for winter 2025 admission and Aug. 1 for fall admission.
- The deadline is July 31 for winter 2025 admission and Nov. 30 for fall admission.
6. Enjoy guaranteed admission to UCR!
If you completed the provisions of your TAG contract, met all requirements for admission and submitted a completed UCR application: Welcome to UCR! Admission decisions begin in September for winter admission and March for fall admission.
Programs at Your Community College That Will Keep You UCR-Bound
Puente Project
The Puente Project is open to all students. It allows you to work with counselors and mentors who will help you transfer to UCR. You can also attend the Puente Leadership Conference.
UCR will continue to support you after you transfer through Puente Connection.
Student Support Services
If you identify as low-income, first-generation or have a disability, your school’s Student Support Services program can help you stay college-bound. Program names vary, but look for TRIO, Student Support Services or SSS.
UCR will continue to support you after you transfer through programs including TRIO Scholars and the Student Disability Resource Center.
Umoja Learning Community
Umoja Learning Communities support African-American and other students throughout their community college experience. Umoja can help you find mentorship and community opportunities (and stay college-bound!).
UCR will continue to support you after you transfer through Umoja at UCR — the first of its kind at a four-year school.