Two UC Riverside students sit at the edge of a bench near Emerbees. The male student is on the left while the female student is on the right. They are framed in by green trees.

Frequently Asked Questions


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to your questions about the various stages of admission at the University of California, Riverside (UCR). If you need additional assistance, visit or call us at (951) 827-3411. We’re happy to help you on your journey to becoming a UCR Highlander!


Admission: Application

  • How can I make a change to my original application?

    Submit your changes on the Application Update Form and it will be forwarded to your admission counselor.

  • What are AH&I Requirements?

    AH&I stands for American History & Institutions Requirement. This refers to the U.S. History requirement all new students must fulfill, either by:

    1. Completing a high school U.S. History course with grade of C or better or an appropriate college level U.S. History/U.S. Government course with a grade of C or better.
    2. Receiving a score of 550 or higher on the SAT Subject examination in US History.
    3. Receiving a 3, 4 or 5 score on the AP US History Examination.
    4. Receiving a 5, 6 or 7 score on the IB History of the Americas Higher Level Examination.
  • Does UC check for plagiarism?

    After the November 30 deadline, UC reviews all Personal Insight Question (PIQ) responses for plagiarism by using a plagiarism detection software program. Applicants who are found with a potential plagiarism violation will be emailed in early January.
    Applicants will be provided instructions on how to provide information regarding the authenticity of their PIQ responses. The information applicants provide will be reviewed by several campus admissions officials, and applicants will be notified of a decision on the authenticity of their PIQ responses.

  • What is an application ID number and how do I get mine?

    Your application ID number is a 7-digit number that can be found on the receipt you received when you submitted your application for admission.

  • How do I cancel my application?

    To cancel your application to UCR, log into your MyUCR account. Select the "My Account" tab. Select the "Application Updates" option at the bottom and submit the "Cancellation Form." 

  • When are admission decisions announced?

    Fall admission decisions begin posting on MyUCR in early March for first-year students and early April for transfer students. 

    Winter admission decisions begin posting on MyUCR in September for winter transfer students. UCR does not admit first-year students in winter.  

  • How do I authorize a parent, guidance counselor, or third-party entity to speak to Undergraduate Admissions about my application?

    According to the California Information Practices Act (IPA) and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the University of California, Riverside (UCR) has a responsibility to protect the confidentiality of your personal information, including your applicant records. If you did not provide a release of authorization to that individual on your University of California Application, you are required to provide written documentation of your permission to release information contained in your applicant records through the UCR Applicant Release Authorization Form.

  • Can I hold or defer my place until the next term?

    As a general practice, we are unable to hold or defer admission offers to another term. However, if you have a compelling reason beyond your control, such as medical issues or military duty, you may submit a request through

    Please include a detailed explanation and any supporting documentation to validate your request. Kindly note that approvals for these requests are rare. Nevertheless, we encourage you to re-apply for an open term when it is more convenient for you to attend. 

  • Where can I get answers to questions about my Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG)?

    Get answers for all your TAG questions.

Admission: First-Year Admittance

  • Can I get a printable acceptance letter?
    1. Log into the MyUCR portal using the email address and password you created during the application process.
    2. Select the View and Print Acceptance Letter. 
    3. Once logged in, navigate to “View and Print Acceptance Letter” located on the right side of your homepage in a banner box.
    4. Select the appropriate link to print the PDF version. 
  • How do I register for classes?

    As an admitted student, you will meet with your academic advisor and register for courses during your preferred Highlander Orientation session. In the meantime, explore course offerings and program requirements in the General Catalog

  • I may have misreported my grades. Will this affect my admission to UCR?

    We’re unable to say with certainty how misreporting grades on your application will affect your admission status until all official transcripts and documents have been reviewed by our office. Please refer to your Provisional Admission Conditions under the "Provisions" tab in the MyUCR portal to view the requirements needed to fulfill your provisional admission.

  • How do I report any low grades?

    First-year applicants are responsible for reporting all D or F grades. To notify our office about a deficient grade, please complete an Academic Update Form as soon as possible.

    UCR expects students to maintain a high level of academic achievement throughout their senior year with no grade lower than a C (or equivalent for other grading systems). Multiple D/F grades in required and non-required courses will result in the review of your eligibility and the possible cancellation of your admission. 

    To view the requirements needed to fulfill your provisional admission, log into the MyUCR portal. Navigate to the "Provisions" tab to access your Provisional Admission Conditions. 

  • What exams do I need to take to enroll?

    The systemwide Analytical Writing Placement Exam will be held in multiple locations throughout California on the second Saturday of May. If you’re a first-year student who was admitted by April 1, then you’re eligible to take this exam to clear the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement.  

    All incoming first-year students are required to meet the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR).  The Analytical Writing Placement Exam is one way to satisfy this requirement. Learn more [ ] about registration and fulfilling this requirement.

    If you were unable to attend the statewide Analytical Writing Placement Exam, visit Placement and Advisory Examinations or contact the following offices:

    • UCR Learning Center (951) 827-3721
    • UCR ELWR Office (951) 827-1384

Admission: Transfer Admittance

  • When can I meet with an academic advisor?

    New transfer students are required to attend an academic advising session during the Highlander Orientation for Transfers to register for classes.

    Once all official transcripts and test scores have been received and processed, you will meet with an academic counselor to review your coursework and determine which courses you should take during your first quarter at UCR. 

  • Do I need to complete the American History and Institutions (AH&I) requirement?

    Newly admitted transfer students are not required to complete the American History and Institutions (AH&I) requirement prior to starting at UCR. However, most students with attendance at a U.S. high school usually have completed the following courses, which can be used to fulfill either one or both requirements:

    • A one-year course in United States history with a grade C or better 
    • A half-year course in United States history and a half-year course in American government with grades C or better

    If you have taken either of the two options above, send your official high school transcript to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions so that your academic college will be notified that you have already satisfied the requirement. Official transcripts must be submitted following one of the options listed on Sending Transcripts and Test Scores.

    If Undergraduate Admissions is not be able to clear the requirement with previous transcripts, you will need to complete the appropriate UCR course to satisfy the requirement.

  • My transcripts could be delayed. What should I do?

    We understand some schools on the quarter system may not be able to meet the July 1 deadline. Your admission status will not be affected by this delay if we receive your official transcript prior to Aug. 1. Please have your official transcript sent immediately after your final grades are posted to ensure that there are no issues with your course registration or enrollment. Official transcripts must be submitted following one of the options listed on Sending Transcripts and Test Scores.

  • I submitted my Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) but am unable to meet the Provisions of Admission. What should I do?

    Please note that failing to meet the conditions of your transfer contract will negatively impact your admission to UCR.

    To review all courses/grades required to fulfill your provisional admission, log into the MyUCR portal and refer to the "Provisions" tab. You must notify our office about any changes or grade deficiencies in your required courses as soon as possible by submitting the Academic Update Form.

    After your final spring grades are released, you will be required to submit all official transcripts and exam scores listed in the MyUCR portal checklist. Once we review your official documents, your record may undergo a second review to determine if we will need to rescind our offer. It is best to submit your official documents as soon as possible to avoid delays in reviewing your record.

  • I haven’t yet submitted my Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) and am unable to meet the Provisions of Admission. What should I do?

    Please note that failing to meet the conditions of your transfer contract can negatively impact your admission to UCR.

    If you still decide to accept your offer to UCR, you will be required to submit all official transcripts and exam scores listed in the MyUCR portal checklist. Once we review your official documents, your record may undergo a second review to determine if we will need to rescind our offer. Keep this in mind before submitting your SIR to UCR.

    To review all courses/grades required to fulfill your provisional admission, log into the MyUCR portal and refer to the "Provisions" tab. You must notify our office about any changes or grade deficiencies in your required courses as soon as possible by submitting the Academic Update Form.

  • Will a schedule change impact my offer of admission?

    If you have reviewed all conditions of your provisional admission contract and do not believe this schedule change jeopardizes meeting your admission conditions, then there is no further action required on your part at this time.

    Keep in mind that our office cannot determine how any schedule change may impact your offer of admission until all official documents have been received and reviewed.

    The deadline to submit your official transcript is July 1. To submit official documents, visit Sending Transcripts and Test Scores.

  • I’m taking summer classes. How can I meet the July 1 transcript deadline?

    If you are completing summer coursework to satisfy your provisions of admission, you will submit two sets or official transcripts. You will submit your official transcripts with all final grades posted through spring by July 1. You will submit the second set of official transcripts once your final summer grades are posted, but no later than Sept. 15. 


  • How do I appeal my admission decision and check for deadline dates?

    Complete the online appeal form located on your MyUCR account. No written appeals sent via U.S. mail, faxed, emailed, or hand delivered will be accepted.

    Please note that while all appeals will be considered, it is not recommended that you appeal an admission decision unless there is new and compelling information that we would not have been able to obtain from your application that would have led us to a different decision. Please note that applicants can not appeal to be placed on the waitlist.

    Deadline to provide specific appeals are listed below:

    Fall 2025 Deadlines:

    • First-Year Decision Appeal: April 15
    • First-Year SIR Appeal: May 30
    • Fall Transfer Decision Appeal: May 15
    • Fall Transfer SIR Appeal: June 15
    • First-Year and Transfer Final Transcript Appeal: July 15
    • First-Year and Transfer Final Document Appeal: July 31
  • How long will it take for a decision on my appeal?

    We will make every attempt to respond to you with a decision within 15 business days.

  • Do I need to send any documents or letters of recommendation?

    No. Undergraduate Admissions will request documents if needed and provide instructions to submit electronically.

  • Can I appeal more than once?

    No. Once a decision has been made on an appeal, it is considered final.

  • Can I request an interview?

    No. Appeal decisions are based upon the content of the appeal statement and any supporting documents specifically requested by Undergraduate Admissions. 

  • Under what circumstances might an appeal be approved?

    The granting of an appeal by the Undergraduate Admissions Leadership is extremely rare. In the circumstance that the Undergraduate Admissions Leadership does grant an appeal, it is based on new and compelling information not originally reported on the student's application.


Documents and Transcripts

  • When is the deadline to turn in transcripts?

    All official transcripts are due by July 1. We highly recommend students send their final official transcripts through the electronic services listed below. Visit Sending Transcripts and Test Scores for more information and postal mail options. 

    Parchment Exchange (Address to Office of Undergraduate Admissions)
    National Student Clearinghouse (Use as address to send to)
    • Certree
    • eTranscript CA
    • JST DoD Military Transcripts
    • Scribbles

  • Can I send final official transcripts electronically?

    Yes, we highly recommend students send their final official transcripts through the electronic services listed below. 

    Parchment Exchange (Address to Office of Undergraduate Admissions)
    National Student Clearinghouse (Use as address to send to)
    • Certree
    • eTranscript CA
    • JST DoD Military Transcripts
    • Scribbles

    Visit Sending Transcripts and Test Scores for more information and postal mail options. 

  • Can I send final official transcripts in the mail?

    Electronic delivery of transcripts is preferred, as per Sending Transcripts and Test Scores. However, we will also accept transcripts via postal mail. Transcripts may be mailed directly to UCR from your school to the following address:

    University of California, Riverside
    Undergraduate Admissions
    900 University Ave.
    3106 Student Services Building
    Riverside, CA 92521

    Alternatively, if you have a sealed copy of the transcript, you may mail it yourself to the above address as long as the transcript remains in its unopened, school-issued envelope. 

    Allow up to 10 business days of processing time upon receipt of your transcript.

  • What do I do if my transcript is past due?

    If your official transcript is past due, submit it as soon as possible to prevent a hold on your account that will affect your UCR course registration. Refer to Sending Transcripts and Test Scores for next steps.

    If your transcript is not yet reflected as received in your checklist — but you believe it was submitted and it's been 14 business days — please provide the following:

    • If your transcript was sent by postal mail, check with your postal carrier and send us documentation if needed. 
    • If your transcript was submitted through Parchment, reply with the DID# and when it was sent.
    • If your transcript was sent through another approved vendor, be sure to include the confirmation number and/or confirmation email and when it was sent.
  • I have not graduated yet. Why do I have to send in my transcripts?

    Your admission counselor is requesting your seventh semester transcript to determine your eligibility for admission to the University. Please submit your seventh semester transcript to our office as soon as possible. In addition, you will need to send a final, official transcript complete with date of graduation (month and year) after you graduate to complete your admissions file. Please continue to check your MyUCR account frequently for up-to-date information regarding your documents.

  • I sent my FINAL high school transcript, but it's still showing as not received!

    Undergraduate Admissions is receiving large volumes of electronic and paper mailed transcripts daily, and processing time can take up to 10 business days for the updates to be reflected on your MyUCR account. Students will not be cancelled until all mail and electronic transcripts have been processed. Please do not send more than one copy of your official final transcripts, in order to avoid duplicate transcripts.

    If you have NOT already requested for your official final transcripts to be sent please request from your school or college as soon as possible.

  • What does "Incomplete Transcript" mean?

    College Transcript - The term “incomplete” refers to a transcript with work-in-progress.

    A high school transcript is incomplete until it includes all courses and grades completed through the end of the senior year AND contains the date of graduation (both the month and year). If you have submitted international transcripts, the status will appear as incomplete until checked in and verified by an international admissions counselor. 

    We encourage you to send your final, official transcript as soon as it becomes available. But no later than a postmarked date of:

    • July 1 for fall quarter applicants (for all coursework completed through spring quarter).
    • Sept. 15 for fall quarter applicants (for all coursework completed in summer quarter).
  • I sent my FINAL College/University Transcript and my account still shows not received!

    Undergraduate Admissions is receiving large volumes of electronic and paper mailed transcripts daily and processing time can take up to 10 business days for the updates to be reflected on your MyUCR account. Students will not be cancelled until all mail and electronic transcripts have been processed. Please do not send more than one copy of your official final transcripts, in order to avoid duplicate transcripts.

    If you have NOT already requested for your official final transcripts to be sent please request from your school or college as soon as possible. 


  • Where do I send my Transcripts/Documents?

    The Office of Undergraduate Admissions only accepts documents electronically using one of the following secure encryption services: 

    Parchment Exchange (Address to Office of Undergraduate Admissions)
    National Student Clearinghouse (Use as address to send to)
    • Certree
    • eTranscript CA
    • JST DoD Military Transcripts
    • Scribbles

    Transcripts that are sent via email are not considered official and will not be accepted. Please refer to our website regarding Sending Transcripts and Test Scores.

    If your school does not offer electronic transcripts you must submit official sealed transcripts from your (high school or college) through mail by July 1 to: 

    University of California, Riverside
    Undergraduate Admissions
    900 University Ave.
    3106 Student Services Building
    Riverside, CA 92521

    If you are unable to submit official transcripts by July 1, please respond to this email with your: full name, student ID, name of your (high school or college), and reason why you cannot meet the deadline. 

  • I was told that my IGETC would be waived. Do I still need it?

    Your College Office determines the status of your IGETC form as waived or complete. All IGETC forms received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions are forwarded on to the college office of your current major program (for BSAD majors, all IGETC forms are sent to the BSAD program office).

    For more information regarding your IGETC form, please contact your college office:

    • College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences: (951) 827-3683
    • College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences: (951) 827-7294
    • Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering: (951) 827-3647
    • School of Business: (951) 827-2515
  • Why do you show my IGETC is not completed?

    Your college office determines the status of your IGETC form as waived or complete. All IGETC forms received by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions are forwarded on to the college office of your current major program.

    For more information regarding your IGETC form, please contact your college office: 

    • College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences: (951) 827-3683
    • College of Natural & Agricultural Sciences: (951) 827-7294
    • Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering: (951) 827-3647
    • School of Business: (951) 827-4551
  • I am a transfer applicant. Why do I have to send you my high school transcript?

    You must submit your official final high school transcript if you are required to meet first-year eligibility criteria as a lower-division transfer student with less than 51.0 transferable quarter units. Also, one way to clear the campus American History and Institutions degree requirement is by submitting an official final high school transcript verifying the completion of an appropriate year long course (two semesters) of US History with C grades or better or one semester of appropriate US History course work and one semester of appropriate U.S. Government course work with C grades or better.

  • My high school is closed for summer. I'm unable to request that they send you my final, official transcript. What can I do?

    Please contact the district office for the high school that you attended to see if they can assist you in having your official transcript mailed to us. If the district office is unable to assist you, visit to submit the date on which your high school will re-open. You will be able to have a transcript mailed to us, and we will consider your request.

  • What does "Waived" mean?

    A required item is no longer needed. No additional action is required by you.

  • What does it mean if an item says it is "Processing?"

    We have received your document, and our staff is reviewing to ensure that all the necessary information is complete.

  • How do you verify transcripts?

    UCR policy and procedure if UCR or the Secretary has reason to believe that the high school diploma is not valid or was not obtained from an entity that provides secondary school education. 

    Public Information on Procedures

    1. UC Quick Reference Guide (pg. 53 – Reporting Student Data): this section outlines the use of self-reported information followed by the receipt of final documents (high school transcript) after a student accepts an offer of admission, as well as the penalties for not providing accurate information.
    2. The UC Transcript Information Website: similar information and context from the two other resources.
    3. UC Academic Senate Regulation 420 speaks to the high school diploma requirement and references expectations:

    Article 2. Submission of Academic Records

    420. Each applicant for freshman admission must arrange for the University to receive, prior to the date established by the Office of Admissions, the final official high school transcript as well as a transcript for all collegiate courses that have been attempted.

    The final official transcript from the high school from which the applicant graduated must show the date of graduation and the grade and the year taken for each course used to satisfy the requirements specified in Regulation 424. (Am 19 May 69, CC 2 May 77; Am 26 May 82) (Am 17 June 2009)


Exams and Test Scores

  • Does UCR require SAT or ACT exams?

    UC Riverside will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. Details regarding UC’s testing policy can be found online.

  • What is UCR's school code for SAT, AP, and ACT exams?

    SAT and AP: 4839
    ACT: 0456

    UC Riverside will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. Details regarding UC’s testing policy can be found online.

  • What does "official" test scores, transcripts and/or documents mean?

    "Official" means that you must have the test score, transcript, and/or document sent directly to the University of California, Riverside from the issuing institution.

    Note: UCR will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. Learn more about UC's testing policy.

  • Do you have my test scores?

    Check your My Test Scores section on your MyUCR account to see what information we have received. If you do not see your official test scores for SAT, ACT, TOEFL, or AP, and you have requested them from the testing center, please allow three weeks to process from the date you requested them to be sent. 

    If three weeks have passed since your submitted request, contact the testing center to ensure your scores have been sent to the appropriate location. 

    If you have not requested your test scores to be sent to UC Riverside, please request for them to be sent from the appropriate testing center ASAP.

    • ACT - (319) 337-1360 UCR School Code 0456
    • Advanced Placement - (888) 225-5427 UCR School Code 4839
    • SAT - (866) 704-0176 UCR School Code 004839
    • TOEFL - (609) 951-1100

    PLEASE DO NOT request to have your scores rushed. Please just send electronically.

  • You haven't received my test scores, what do I do?

    If you do not see that we have received your official test scores on your MyUCR account and it has been more than three weeks since you requested them from the testing center, you will need to contact the appropriate testing center and request to have your scores sent to UCR.

    If you took an Advanced Placement Exam and received a score of 2 or below, this is a non-passing score and your exam will not show as received.

    If you took a TOEFL or IELTS exam and received a non-passing score, your exam will not show as received.

    • ACT – (319) 337-1360 UCR School Code 0456
    • Advanced Placement – (888) 225-5427 UCR School Code 4839
    • SAT – (866) 704-0176 UCR School Code 004839
    • TOEFL – (609) 951-1100
  • Am I required to take the TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo Examination?

    If either of the following is true, then you need to take and pass either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) , International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination, or Duolingo English Test (DET):

    • If your native language is not English and your education in secondary/high school or college/university has been in a country where English is not the native language.
    • If you are a first-year applicant, and you have less than three years of high school in the United States, and your native language is not English.
  • What is the minimum required score for the TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo?

    For UC Riverside, the minimum scores are as follows:

    • TOEFL Internet Based – 80
    • IELTS – 6.5
    • Duolingo English Test (DET) – 115
  • You have not received my TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo. What should I do?

    If you do not see that we have received your official test scores on your MyUCR account, you will need to contact the testing center, and request to have your scores sent to UC Riverside.

    It takes approximately three weeks to process your score before you can view it on your MyUCR account. If you took a TOEFL or IELTS exam and received a non-passing score, your exam will not show as received.

    PLEASE DO NOT request to have your scores rushed. Please just send electronically.

    You can also demonstrate proficiency via Duolingo English Test (DET): Minimum score of 115 (Fall 2022 only).

    Learn more about English language proficiency for the UC application.

    Begin your UC application today!

  • What is the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE)?

    For more information on the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE), visit

    UC Riverside will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. Details regarding UC’s testing policy can be found online.

  • Where can I take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE)?

    Students who have not satisfied the Entry-Level Writing Requirement must take the University of California AWPE. Please visit University Writing Program for available dates and registration information. 

  • What if I can't take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) in May?

    The AWPE is one way to satisfy the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR). For more information on this exam and the ELWR, visit or contact the UCR ELWR Office at (951) 827-1384.

  • I didn't take the Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE). What should I do?

    If you didn't satisfy the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement by April 1, you must take this exam the second Saturday in May. You'll receive a letter in early April directing you to your test center location. This is required of all first-year students; the results will not affect your admission status. Learn more at

  • What is the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)?

    Learn more about the Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)

    UC Riverside will not consider SAT or ACT test scores when making admission decisions or awarding scholarships. If you choose to submit test scores as part of your application, they may be used as an alternative method of fulfilling minimum requirements for eligibility or for course placement after you enroll. Get more information about UC's testing policy.

  • UCR hasn't received my Advanced Placement (AP) exam score(s). What should I do?

    If you do not see your AP exam score(s) on your MyUCR account, and it has been more than three weeks since you have requested them to be sent, please contact the testing center to ensure they were sent to the proper location.

    If you took an Advanced Placement Exam and received a score of 2 or below, this is a non-passing score and your exam will not show as received.

    If you have not requested your AP exam score(s), please contact the testing center to have your scores sent asap.

    • Advanced Placement - (888) 225-5427 UCR School Code 4839


    • All scores must be requested from the testing center AFTER applying to our campus to ensure that your scores are matched to your application.
    • If you elected to use the College Board’s “Score Choice” option for selecting specific exams and institutions to which your tests be sent, you will need to update your elections in Score Choice to release ALL your exam scores to UCR before we will receive them.
    • Please note that there is no advantage in withholding exam scores from our campus, we will only use the highest scores in determining your eligibility for admission to UCR.
  • I am not planning on taking my Advanced Placement (AP) exam. Will this affect my admission?

    UC Riverside does not require you to take your AP exam(s). Please note, however, that no college course credit is given for taking AP courses. College course credit is only given for AP exam scores with a 3 or higher.

  • What if I took the Advanced Placement (AP) exam a while ago?

    If your most recent Advanced Placement (AP) exam was taken over four years ago, your AP scores have been archived by CollegeBoard and may take longer to be processed and sent to UCR. You must request your archived scores as soon as possible to ensure that we receive them by the deadline. 

    When ordering your AP exams score(s), be sure to include the following to ensure we receive a complete set of your AP scores:

    • College Board Code: 4839 
    • UC Riverside’s name and address: 

    University of California, Riverside
    900 University Ave.
    3106 Student Services Building
    Riverside, CA 92521-0119

  • What is the Math Placement Exam (MAE)?

    The Mathematics Advisory Exam (MAE) is used by UCR to assess student readiness in mathematics for University work and to determine the appropriate placement. A few important facts about the exam: 

    • Students must satisfy placement requirements before registering for this subject at UCR. 
    • Examination results are used for advising and placement purposes only; unit credit cannot be earned with this exam.

    Learn more about Placement and Advisory Examinations, including registration for MAE.

  • Where and how do I take the Math Placement Exam (MAE)?

    The Mathematics Advisory Exam (MAE) is used to place first-year students into an appropriate entry-level Mathematics course at UCR. If your major requires at least one course in math, you must take this exam. This includes: 

    • All majors in the Marlan and Rosemary Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) and in the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS). 
    • Many programs in the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS). 


    • A score of 3, 4, or 5 on either the AB or BC Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Exam.  
    • A score of 2 on the AB Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus Exam will clear a student for enrollment into Math 5 (Pre-Calculus). No course credit is awarded for the score. It's recommended that students with this score still take the MAE to see if they might place higher.  
    • Please make sure UCR Admissions has received your AP scores.  
    • Please go to the “Math Classes at UCR” tab at to see what course your score places you into.  
    • A UC-transferable college course at the Pre-Calculus Level (Math 5 at UCR) or higher from an accredited institution.  
    • A score of 5 or higher on the International Baccalaureate (IB) Higher Level Math Exam.  

    If you do not have one of the above, then you MUST take the UCR Mathematics Advisory Exam (MAE) and this should be completed by July 7.  

    For information on how to take the MAE, visit Mathematics Advisory Exam (MAE).

Fee Information

Financial Aid

  • How is UCR affordable?

    Attending UCR can be extremely affordable with different ways to cover tuition and fees. If admitted, you'll be automatically considered for scholarships and grants (FREE money). Once enrolled, you can apply for as many scholarships as you'd like.

    Learn more about the value and affordability of a UCR degree:

    Plus, the cost of living in Riverside is 33% cheaper on average than other UCs located in metropolitan areas like Los Angeles, Orange County, and San Diego. This makes renting or sharing an off-campus apartment or house a lot more affordable in Riverside. 

  • I have completed the FAFSA. When can I expect an offer of financial aid?

    You can get an estimate of aid via MyUCR once we get your FAFSA (Free Application for Student Financial Aid). Beginning in March, new student awards become available. Once your award is ready, you will be notified via MyUCR through “Alerts” and “Spotlights.” However, if your application is selected for verification of reported information, you will be notified on MyUCR of any additional documents or information needed to complete your financial aid application. If additional documents are required, they must be submitted to the UCR Financial Aid Office by May 1 in order to maintain on-time financial aid consideration.

  • What is an EFC? How is it determined?

    When you file the FAFSA (Free Application for Student Financial Aid), the information you report is used in a formula established by the U.S. Congress. The formula determines your Expected Family Contribution, an amount you and your family are expected to contribute toward your education. This amount may not exactly match the amount you and your family end up contributing. The EFC is used in determining need based financial assistance. The financial need is calculated by taking the estimated Cost of Attendance and subtracting the Expected Family Contribution (from the processed FAFSA). The difference is your financial need, or the amount of your financial aid eligibility.

  • How do I receive money to purchase my books and supplies?

    Around Aug. 15, you will be sent a link to your fall student account (billing) statement. If you have any remaining financial aid after your financial aid credits your fees, other UCR charges, and UCR housing charges (as applicable), a financial aid “refund” will be directly deposited to your bank account at the start of each quarter by the Student Business Services Office (see Important Dates). You may pay for all other expenses not charged on the billing statement with this refund, such as books and supplies.

  • How do I pay my first UCR Housing payment which is due June 1?

    Unfortunately, no financial aid is available prior to the start of the school year. Therefore, your parents/guardians should use a portion of their Expected Parent Contribution to make this payment in June. For more information, visit


  • How can I register to live on campus?

    Campus housing is in high demand and fills quickly. 

    First-Year Students: Submit the contract and first payment for Residence Halls housing by May 10 to receive guaranteed housing for fall. You will select your room and roommates (if applicable) during a process that occurs during summer quarter.

    Transfer Students: Submit a contract and first payment for our Residence Halls, or submit an application for our Campus Apartments or Family Housing, as soon as possible. While space is limited, any incoming transfer students who complete their contract and submit their first payment by May 10 will be given priority to access room selection for available spaces.

  • How do I find out more information about housing?

    For housing inquiries and deadlines, contact the Housing office at (951) 827-6350 or You can also view important information at .


  • What is a Net ID and where do I get mine?

    Every UCR student is automatically assigned a student account (Net ID) which provides access to the computing services provided by C&C, including the computer labs, Webmail, iLearn, the wireless network, and many other services. To start using these services, you will need: 

    • Your Net ID
    • Your Permanent PIN
    • Your Student ID Number


  • Is campus housing guaranteed?

    First-year students who submit a Residence Hall Contract and fees by the May 20, 2024, deadline are guaranteed housing. Contracts will continue to be accepted after May 20 until all residence hall spaces are filled. You may be placed on a waiting list based on your contract submission date until a space is available.

    New transfer students who submit a Campus Apartments Application by the May 20, 2024, deadline are guaranteed a housing space and will be prompted by email to self-select a space, pay a $200 Security Deposit, and sign their contract through the MyHousing portal. 

    Visit Important Dates & Deadlines to learn more. 


  • What are the immunization requirements?

    The University of California is committed to protecting the health and well-being of our students. As part of our ongoing commitment to campus-wide health and safety, UCR has implemented an immunization plan

    Although COVID-specific reporting requirements on campus has concluded, students must adhere to UCR's general immunization policy, which encompasses the COVID-19 vaccination as part of health recommendations. Respiratory health best practices are encouraged, including wearing a mask when symptomatic, staying home if you're unwell, and staying informed about local testing options. Visit Student Health Services for more information about immunization requirements.

  • What is the COVID-19 policy?

    Please visit for updates and for vaccination, booster, and verification information.

    Although COVID-specific reporting requirements on campus has concluded, students must adhere to UCR's general immunization policy, which encompasses the COVID-19 vaccination as part of health recommendations. Respiratory health best practices are encouraged, including wearing a mask when symptomatic, staying home if you're unwell, and staying informed about local testing options. Visit Student Health Services for more information about immunization requirements.


Major Changes

  • How do I submit a major change?

    Major change requests can be made once you’re admitted to UCR. You may request a change of major via your MyUCR account up to three (3) weeks before the first mandatory Highlander Orientation date. 
    To get started: 
    1. Go to MyUCR, the UCR student admission portal.
    2. Log in using the email address and password you created during the application process. 
    3. Select the “Major Change” tab. 
    4. Navigate to the “Major Change” tab.
    5. Select “Major” to choose your preferred major. 
    Please note:

    • If the major change tool has closed (up to three (3) weeks before the first Highlander Orientation date), requests will need to be made during your selected Highlander Orientation date.

    • Major change requests are not guaranteed and could take up to 10 business days to complete. Once your request has been processed, you will receive an email either confirming or denying your requested major change. 
    • First Years - If you’re requesting to switch into a selective major, your application will be reviewed for the selection criteria. Visit Majors to explore majors, minors, and accelerated programs that best fit your interests.
    • Transfers - If you’re requesting to switch into a selective major, your application will be reviewed for the major preparation requirements and selection criteria. Visit the Majors Preparation Guide to view all requirements.

  • I submitted a major change, but my account still shows my old major. What should I do?

    It takes approximately 10 business days to process your major change. You will receive an email either confirming or denying your requested major change. 


Residency for Tuition Purposes

Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)

  • Enrollment & Deadlines

    Where can I find important enrollment dates and deadlines?

    All important enrollment dates and deadlines are available online and in your MyUCR portal. Your portal will also provide a personalized checklist to help you track pre-enrollment tasks.

    What if my transcripts are delayed?

    If your school is on a quarter system and can’t provide transcripts by July 1, your admission will not be affected, as long as your official transcript is submitted before enrollment. However, please request your transcripts as soon as your final grades are posted.

    For transcript submission methods, visit Sending Transcripts and Test Scores.

    What exams do I need to take before enrolling?

    The Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE) is required for first-year students to fulfill the UC Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR).

    ✔ Exam is held statewide on the second Saturday of May.
    ✔ If you cannot attend, visit Placement and Advisory Exams or contact:

    • UCR Learning Center: (951) 827-3721
    • UCR ELWR Office: (951) 827-1384
  • Health & Financial Aid

    Is health insurance mandatory?

    Yes, all UC students are automatically enrolled in UC SHIP (Student Health Insurance Plan).

    ✔ If you have comparable insurance, you may apply for a waiver before the deadline.

    What if my family’s financial circumstances have changed?

    If your financial situation has changed, make sure your FAFSA or CADAA is updated with your most current financial information. If you need additional support, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Keep in mind that response times may be longer during peak periods.


  • Major & Course Adjustments

    I was admitted to my alternate major. Can I switch back to my first-choice major?

    Due to high demand and competitive applications, we were unable to admit all students to their first-choice major. If you were admitted to an alternate major, you may be able to request a major change after enrolling. We recommend speaking with your academic advisor during Orientation to discuss your options.


  • Conditions of Admission/Admissions Contract

    I haven’t submitted my SIR but can’t meet my Conditions of Admission. What should I do?

    Your admission to UCR is contingent on meeting specific requirements. If you are unable to meet these conditions, your admission may be impacted.

    ✔ Your records may go through a second review, which could result in your admission being rescinded.
    ✔ If you have any grade deficiencies or course changes, notify Admissions immediately by submitting the Application Update Form in MyUCR.

    How do I report a low grade (D/F)?

    ✔ Submit the Application Update Form in MyUCR as soon as possible.
    ✔ Multiple D/F grades may result in a review of your admission and possible cancellation.

    What if I need to drop a course?

    ✔ Review your  Conditions of Admissions in MyUCR to determine if the course is required.
    ✔ Submit the Application Update Form in your portal.


  • Events & Orientation

    Will UCR host events for admitted students?

    Yes! UCR offers various events for admitted students to connect with peers, faculty, and campus resources.

    ✔ Check your email and MyUCR portal (Events tab) for invitations and event details.


  • Deferrals & Appeals

    Can I defer my acceptance to another term?
    UCR does not typically allow deferrals for undergraduates. Admission is only valid for the term applied. However, deferrals may be considered on a case-by-case basis. Visit

    I missed the SIR deadline. What should I do?
    ✔ You may submit a Late SIR Appeal through MyUCR.
    ✔ Appeals take 6-8 weeks to process and are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


  • How do I declare a minor?

    Minors can be declared through your academic department after enrollment


  • Statement of Intent to Register (SIR)


    What is the deadline to submit my SIR?

    • First-year students: May 15
    • Transfer students: June 1

    If admitted to multiple UC campuses, you must select one and submit your SIR via the MyUCR applicant port by the deadline. A $250 non-refundable deposit is required at submission. Payments can be made online by credit card or by mailing a check/money order, which must be received by the deadline. Students who received an application fee waiver are not required to submit a deposit.

    Statement of Legal Residence (SLR): Must be submitted by the SIR deadline.
    Official final transcripts: Due July 1.
    Official test scores: Due July 15.
    Financial aid documentation: Due July 15 (first years) and July 16 (transfers).


  • I can’t pay my SIR fee by the deadline. What should I do?

    Students unable to pay the SIR fee may request a deferral at If approved, the fee will be added to your Fall tuition bill.