Fall 2021 admission notifications are being shared beginning March 1, 2021! Make sure your MyUCR account is ready by following the steps below.
If you have not already set up your password, visit Setup MyAccount to add an extra layer of online protection. Then log into the new My.UCR.EDU account we created for you. You only have to Setup MyAccount once, but you'll need to check MyUCR regularly for information regarding your application.
STEP 1: Setup MyAccount
- Go to your specific MyAccount setup page, as noted in the "Application Received | About your My.UCR.EDU Account" email we sent you. You can only use this link once. If you're going to set up your account after using this link, contact BearHelp at (951) 827-4848 (IT4U).
- Follow the prompts to set your security questions, enroll in multi-factor authentication (MFA), and set a password.
Create three security questions and answers. From the MyAccount homepage, select the "Enroll in MFA" option, which allows you to register your mobile device. Select "Cell Phone" option and identify your device as an Android, Apple, Windows, or other option. Follow the prompts to download the DUO mobile app on your device, as this will be needed to authenticate your identity when logging into secure campus systems. For more information, visit goto.ucr.edu/mymfa.
Finally, set your password. If you need to reset your password, select "Forgot Password" on the MyAccount login screen. Keep your security questions, answers, and password in a safe place for future reference.
STEP 2: Log Into Your New My.UCR.EDU Account
- Log into My.UCR.EDU.
- Use your personalized UCR NetID* (in the "Application Received | About your My.UCR.EDU Account" email) and the NEW password you created during the MFA process to log into My.UCR.EDU.
- Save your UCR NetID and password in a safe place.
- Check your My.UCR.EDU account regularly. Log into your My.UCR.EDU account regularly to view the most up-to-date information regarding your application.
Need assistance?
For help with UCR's MyAccount setup process and MFA enrollment, please refer to our self-help document. If you're experiencing technical issues and need to connect with UCR's technology support team, call UCR BearHelp at (951) 827-4848 (IT4U), Monday–Friday from 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
UCR is committed to ensuring that the My.UCR.EDU is accessible to everyone. If you have questions or suggestions regarding the accessibility of the site, please contact UCR BearHelp at (951) 827-4848 or submit a ticket with a valid UCR net ID.
Questions? Visit admissions.ucr.edu/ask.